
Do u believe in diciplen?

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if a kid acts up i say smack em spank there @$$es and ground them

there nothing that works better than diciplen




  1. Does anyone ever think about how they're making their child feel when they are hitting them.  I hear the word respect thrown around a lot.  I personally have never had respect for someone who hit me.  I'd rather know that I had smart parents who protected me, had patience with me, and were smart enough to figure out a more effective, less demeaning way to parent.

  2. Real discipline is teaching self-control, respect for yourself and others, empathy being well-mannered and knowing right from wrong.

    All of this is best accomplished by setting examples.  When discipline is practiced, punishment is a rare thing, and never has to be corporal,

  3. Yes, I believe in discipline, but I do not spank/smack my children and don't think that is an effective way to parent. When my kids were small, we utilized time outs and taking away privileges. That worked great for our family and today, our kids have grown into respectful teens and we are very proud of them!

  4. You are describing punishment, not discipline.  Discipline is the act of helping a child to behave, using many methods, not all of them punishments.

    I believe in discipline, which can include grounding.  I do not believe on hitting.

    It is also vital to find out why a child is acting up.  Kids act up because they are upset, hungry, frightened ,stressed, abused, tired, etc.  Solving the  problem that caused the child to act up will do more good than punishment.

  5. Well, I believe in spelling and grammar.

    Yes, a good bare bottom spanking (with hairbrush) never hurt anyone. Thats how I get it.

  6. I believe in discipline, but not spanking, because that can warp their sexuality.

  7. a little tap on the hand is fine but it should be a last resort

  8. Yes I do, if animals can do it, why can't we?

    We are animals too.

    I was spanked and there is nothing wrong with my sexuality, in fact I hate my husband spanking me.

  9. Do I discipline? Yes. Do I spank or hit my child? No. Discipline does not necessarily mean spanking. I choose not to because I believe there are more productive ways to discipline my children. I find spanking/hitting to be counter-productive for my children, so I choose not to use that as a form of discipline.

  10. don't you mean discipline? yes I believe in it.. time outs and loss of privileges works well if done right.

    I'd never "smack my child to the ground."

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