
Do u believe in global warming?

by Guest45043  |  earlier

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ONLY answers i will consider... nothing else or u lose




  1. A - I believe in global warming and global cooling.  Both are natural phenomena that happen in cycles (ever hear of an ice age?)

  2. YES!

  3. A

    (Of course it is. Just look at the track record. Are we causing it? Unlikely. Contributing? More likely. Are we polluting? Like h**l we are! This is where we should be focusing our attention. After harmful spray can emissions were banned, the o-zone healed itself in half the projected time. What does that say?)

  4. A= YES

    A= YES

    A= YES

  5. A

    (Yes it's happening but we are only a possibly 2% responsible as I believe it's mostly naturaly - possibly a reverse Ice Age type thing)

  6. If you have to believe then it's faith, not science.

  7. Both A and B. We are now in a cooling phase after going through a warming phase. It is a common occurrence throughout the history of the world. We had the ice age and then the automobile caused the ice to melt many centuries ago. The automobile was then banned, but was later brought into existence again in our recent times.

  8. B

  9. a

  10. B

    experts are d**n conspiracists

  11. A

    The sun is causing it.

    Humans have nothing to do with it.

  12. B

    i believe that it is just a weather pattern or a cycle in the earth

    but i definitely think that air pollution contributes to it

  13. A only I believe it is natural.

  14. A

    It is a scientific fact. Denying global warming is like denying the fact that everything is made of atoms. It is a proven, hard fact. Denying it won't make the problem go away, so we better start acting, fast. We are the biggest threat to the planet that there has ever been. We are destroying it, and we are the most selfish animals to ever walk planet Earth. We destroy everything in sight for a little cash, we eat burgers and chicken nuggets because they taste good, even though we KNOW that the animals were treated horribly. We cut down the rainforest to make room for palm oil trees, and for grazing room for your beef cattle, for highways and cities. We are the biggest invasive species as well. We kick animals out left and right to make room for our species. I think that a lot of people forget that we are animals, and we have a place on this planet... but... SO DOES EVERYTHING ELSE. I don't understand why people think that they have the right to overfish our oceans, (the blue-fin tuna is on the edge of extinction, and 1/3 or the total fish in the WORLD are estimated to be extinct with 10 years) destroy rain forests, drive gas guzzling hummers, keep chetahs as pets, as well as lions. That is also disgusting. When the cheetahs or tigers or lions become to aggressive they have them sent off to zoos, or to be killed because they don't want to 'deal' with them anymore.

    Take this for example- I know I am getting off topic, but I will address global warming momentarily- when slavery was in full force, we oppressed the blacks, whipped them, all because we were selfish. We didn't want to do the work, and we decided that we were superior to the blacks. As generations of both races passed through this oppression, people didn't think that it was wrong, they thought that it was the way of life. Eventually some people decided that it was wrong, and they did something about it. That is me. Because we are oppressing all the animals, and all of the environment. All because we are selfish. Most people accept that we are the 'superior' species, and they think that what we are doing is okay. That we have the right to do such a thing. But then there are people like me who know that this is horribly wrong, and I am going to do something about it.

    You may think that we are just bettering our species, and that all species' do this, we are just relying on our natural instinct. Well... We have gotten rid of almost everything natural about the human species. We don't rely on natural selection, we are at the top of the food chain, we destroy our own environment, we oppress other animals in our species, (the list goes on and on). The only natural thing we still do is reproduce. Hence OVERPOPULATION.

    Global Warming ties in to all of this. Humans feel that it is our right to drive our hummers, and we deny the fact that global warming is real so that we don't have to feel bad about our selfish ways. So that we can continue to be obese and lazy, and drive 1/2 a mile to the store. We deny it so that we don't have to pay our precious money to stop what we have started because... HEY... we are the superior race, aren't we? And how can you deny it. President Bush has finally (finally) addressed it. All the presidential candidates have addressed it and accepted it. All the scientists have accepted it, the one's who aren't paid off.

    Humans make me sick. We are selfish, destructive, animals that have no compassion or morals. Have you ever heard of the Amur Leopard? No? Well, there are only 30 left in the wild because of habitat destruction, because of us. The superior race. Now, after all this, do you still think that we aren't a threat to the planet?

  15. A

    (Of course, i believe, because if you don't, then the arctic and antarctic will melt and drown us!! And it also causes skin cancer and heatstroke!!)

  16. A definetly. Because of the pollution, polar bears are dying from drowning.

  17. NO!!!!!!!

  18. A & B

    Yes I believe in global warming.   At one time what is now Chicago was under a 1 mile layer of ice.  So it is clear there is global warming.

    No, I don't think it is caused by humans.  (See above)

    No, I don't think it is happening right now as the other person said.  It doesn't matter what you believe all you have to do is read a thermometer.  Last winter was one of the coldest in decades.  If we are at the begining of a run away greenhouse effect the temperatures should climb every year not fall for several years in a row like what is happening now.

    I'm glad we haven't done anything to try to stop it.  If we had the global warmers would claim that the cooling is due to the corrective measures we've taken.  Or if it continued to get hot that we need to take further measures.  Now they claim natural variation is offseting the greenhouse effect.  What non-sense.

  19. It doesn't matter what anyone believes, the only thing that matters is what can be proved.

  20. C.  I believe it's hotter and drier than ever in some regions (and colder than ever in some regions), but I'm still unsure what the real causes are (the sun which is warming the entire solar system, normal cyclical changes, weather modification, etc.).  I believe we're definitely getting scammed into paying more for everything and paying more taxes, though.

  21. Just when you think there's no one left under those rocks....

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