
Do u believe in life after death?

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Do u believe in life after death?




  1. 1 and done

  2. Your question has nothing to do with science or math.

    But a scientist would probably point out to you that you're basically a huge collection of living cells, which in the past lived on their own but became specialized parts of a greater organism, you. Your cells die all the time, and new ones are created. When you eat other formerly living stuff, you absorb organic material from it. That organic material is in some sense the stuff of life.

    When you die, something will go on living. I think what people really mean usually, is will their awareness or sense of identity continue to exist. I don't know, but I don't think there's any sense worrying about that. Your awareness goes under when you're asleep, but that isn't so bad is it...

    If you are et by a shark or other large critter, it absorbs your organic material, part of what was living in you goes on living in the shark. Would you become part of the consciousness of the shark? I doubt it, but some cultures actually eat their own dead for this reason.

  3. I am a buddhist and I believe in reincarnation.

    I believe your karma from this life determines your next life.

  4. In the Bible you can see many references to our body, soul, and spirit.  If you take the time to look up John ch. 3, verse 16, and other verses like that, you will see what God's word has to say about your question.

    You can also look up verses about resurrection, starting with the resurrection of Jesus Christ, God's Son.

    There are also some interesting verses in Isaiah 45, verses 18 to 28 that outline God's some aspects of God's plan for the inhabitants of the earth.

    What do you believe?

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