
Do u believe in telekinesis?

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Do u believe in telekinesis?




  1. No and the aliens never crashed at area 51 and horoscopes are self fullfilling.

  2. Here's a link to going on 600 other folks and rising daily.They've already asked this question.E-mail them and see how they made out.Really though think about this.If it were possible would you have to search for it?Wouldn't schools and clinics be all over the place? Wouldn't Handicapped people be using it regularly?People have been claiming to know how to do this for hundreds if not thousands of years.Wouldn't it be out there by now?

  3. SIMPLY no

  4. I don't.

    Anybody that does, please raise my hand.

  5. I'm like some of the's hard for me to believe in something I haven't experienced (and I don't want to experience it)But that doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. It's hard for me to believe that men landed on the moon...could be a movie for all I know. But, I do take the word of people of integrity that it happened. So ..if somebody I knew was honest and had integrity told me telekinesis was real...I might believe it.I've been deceived by people too much in the past.What's  that  "saying".."Trust NO ONE"...I try to use discernment..

  6. No I do not.

  7. No, since there is no credible scientific evidence for it, it's not predicted by our current established science, all attempts to obtain evidence have failed, and it's a wild claim, my answer is a resounding NO. Some would try to deceive you into thinking that some scientific evidence for it has been gathered (e.g., PEAR, Rhine, etc.), but be aware that NONE such evidence is conclusive in any way, the experiments tended to suffer from poor controls and even poorer analysis, and today scientists don't even acknowledge these experiments as legitimate science let alone actual evidence of TK. It's folklore masquerading as science.

  8. no, i believe in machines, muscles, and God  for kinetic power

    i don't even believe in television - not meaningful enough

  9. No I believe in the evidence that shows it's existence.

    The Rhine Research Institute (link below) conducted experiments on this as early as the 1930's with positive results.

    Helmut Schmidt (direct link to his cited works below) demonstrated positive results in his experiments. Some members of the Parapsychological Association (link below) continue this line of work.

    Princeton University through a program called PEAR (link below) has studied this for 27 years with positive results.

    FYI: Telekinesis is an older term and rarely used today.

    Psychokinesis (PK) is the term used in the current scientific research literature.

  10. thank you for a moving question Bala,,,,no

  11. lol no

  12. Hi!

    Of course, since there are a lot of incidents about it. Have you ever heard about indigo children? Some of them can do it. And all the incidents are proven. Hope this helps you.

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