
Do u believe that u can fall in love with someone in three over the internet ?

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  1. Three what?

    I don't think so.  

  2. Umm im not sure...maybe possible... but 3 days??? mmm

  3. No. You can fall in love with who you think he is but not who he really is. There's no way you can know the whole person in a short time especially if they are at a distance.

  4. fall in love in three?  What the heck is that?

    It is RARE..and normally I would say NO.....But niece met her husband online and he came to meet her and they have been married for 9 years and have four kids.  They have a GREAT relationship.....but he came to meet her family and meet her several times and even moved here to get to know her better before they married.

  5. NO WAY. maybe the person you THINK he is. you never ever know someone until you are with them personally. you can tell someone anything. talk is cheap action is what matters. the real test is in person and in time.  

  6. no, because you have no way of knowing if the person you are "talking" to is actually being truthful.  It may be a 15yo kid messing with you, or a 400 fat guy who's sending you pics of Denzel Washington.  If you haven't met them face to face, you don't know them.

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