
Do u believe that we should all live by the law or the ten comandments?

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Do u believe that we should all live by the law or the ten comandments?




  1. I think if we live by the Ten Commandments we'd pretty well be living my the law of the land.

  2. i think we should live by both.  

  3. The MAJORITY of laws out there are based on the Ten Commandments

  4. in a country you live by its law

    but for yourself... you can live by wtv it is u want whether that be the ten commandments or the Koran or The Bhagavad Gita etc.

  5. It is a good way to live but should not be legislated.  We do not and should not live in a theocracy.

  6. If you follow the Ten Commandments to a T, then you are probably following the Law.

    If you follow the law, you could still be breaking the ten commandments. Like if you cheat on your husband... It's not illegal, but it is wrong. You can hate your dad for not buying you a new car... It's not illegal, but it is wrong. You can worship money and it's totally cool... But you break Commandment #1

    The Ten Commandments teach us HOW to live. The Law just says what you can/cannot do.

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