
Do u believe the government controls the weather?

by Guest55857  |  earlier

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Do u believe the government controls the weather?




  1. Research HAARP and Nikola Tesla. Come to your own conclusions. It is possible. Tesla found out how to do it a long time ago. A good place to start is youtube. Look for the History channel specials on Tesla.

  2. How could they possibly control something as uncontrolable as the weather?

    No. I do not believe that the government controls the weather.

  3. Who's government?..... but no, I don't

  4. No, not at all.

  5. U serious???  How old are you?? h**l no!!

  6. no, obviously not. The weather is a force of nature. Anyone who says the government controls the weather is plain dumb.

  7. Do you really believe they have that kind of power?

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