
Do u consider these comments to be racist?

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  1. The Scots had always ruled the 'British Empire' (notice how all West Indians have Scottish surnames). Now that the Empire has gone, they are concentrating on domestic policy and are, perhaps, being a little less subtle about it.

  2. No, and I think we should purge the bl***y lot of them not just the Scots.

  3. no

  4. No not really

  5. No it isn't.Most laws would never have got through if Bliar had not given to Scottish mps.In fact the sooner Brown and the rest pack their

    kilts and p**s off back over the border.The better for all.

  6. Not really, he is not offending any "race", just a culture. the scottish culture

  7. ""axe the so-called Scots mafia""  

    ""promote “English voices” into more high-profile roles ""

    Sorry, but if that's not racist, I don't know what is.   And if you're still not sure then substitute the word 'Scots' for 'Black' or 'Asian'.

    Scots, Welsh and Irish have ALWAYS been a very small minority in the cabinet but we've never complained about it.   Now that we have a few non-english members someone is complaining, even though the english STILL make up the majority.

    And for those who think we should not have a voice because we have our own Parliament, our Parliament has very limited powers.  Give us our complete independence and then you can kick out all Scots from your cabinet and your government and everyone will be happy.

  8. Yes it is, but so what? Everybody is a racist at some point, it's normal human behaviour.

  9. Yes it's racism. An attack on Scottish culture is racism.

    I'm not offended by it, but i,m offended by evil and corrupt

    politicians, who I believe are the majority.

  10. Not especially, just the sounds of a dying Government trying to desperately reconnect with it's voters!

    Just lower the fuel tax!

  11. No. The Welsh and Scots are fair game.

  12. No. They are trying any antics to stay in power at the next election. Too little too late - it has taken them 11 years to work this out!!!

  13. No, and he can be the first to go.

  14. No. All that's being asked for is that quaint old British trait called fair play.

  15. no because he is looking at reducing the number of brits

    it would be massive news if he advocated getting rid of muslim or black members of the government.......

    it seems it is okay to single out brits but not other groups

    what happened to the best man/woman for the job?

  16. Not really racist, but very insular. Desperate times call for desperate measures!

  17. Technically the Scots are not a race, there are Scots who are ethnically asian or black, they are a nation.  If you make prejudicial comments about someones ethnicity you are racist, if you make comments about someones nationality you are xenophobic.

  18. I call it bl00dy patronising, do they honestly think the British public are so thick as to believe the drivel they spout simply because it is uttered in a English accent? regardless of how the words are pronounced these people are full of the brown stuff and this ridiculous suggestion just proves how gullible they believe the public is. My mother is Scottish and she giggled when she heard this, so no its not racist, its just dumb x

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