
Do u ever buy from charity shops?

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ive just started buying from charity shops, man u can pick up som gr8 stuff




  1. I used to when I lived in London cause I found some really nice stuff, like cloths that still have a label on them but for a quarter of the price. Now that I'm in Manchester I don't even see many charity shops.

    I would advise anybody to at least go and check them out, people that think only poor people go there are wrong.

  2. yer I get good stuff all the time and some times I make a little money my self from boing so

  3. Only sometimes- you can find cute jewellry or furniture if you look hard

  4. ppl cheek ppl for buyin from charity shops

    wel in jersey enywey

  5. Yes me too. I first used one when I wanted some books for a long journey. There is some brilliant stuff in them,I now go to one about once a week. I have bought loads of books for my grand children and they have shelves full of them now, and if they had been bought new they would have cost hundreds of pounds.

  6. I like the thought of buying from charity shops... But i have a feeling of disgust about someone elses bodily fluids being pressed against my skin.

    You may wash them - but you never get them all out.

  7. yes, well my wife does loads i hate shopping but she comes home with good stuff

  8. yeah i always do u cant get some right bargins i always buy a load of books

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