
Do u ever cry when u think of friends u are no longer close to and who dont seem to want to reconnect? am i ?

by  |  earlier

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weird? i haven't thought about this friend in awhile and felt sad and cried a little....not a lot just for a second its been awhile since i've seen her too




  1. It's ok to cry!!! I am in that situation I had a friend, her and I had this fall out because of her boyfriend. I do miss her alot and I wish I could turn back time. Regardless of your situation not sure why you guys stopped talking. If your not ready to connect with them, then your just not ready don't push yourself to doing something you really don't wanna do!! GL!

  2. It's a shame when you and a friend grow apart. I have also lost a close friend, simply because as we grew up, we found different interests. Be grateful for the memories that you had with him/her. Maybe within time, your friendship will build and be stronger than it was before.

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