
Do u ever feel that life is passing u by to fast and u dont have time to achieve everything u want in life?

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Do u ever feel that life is passing u by to fast and u dont have time to achieve everything u want in life?




  1. yes

  2. yes i do...after high school it went by so fast, still trying to figure out what i want to do with my life...well let it go on i guess :)

  3. Hmm.It feel like my childhood went by fast...I be hurry up 2 be grown up n now I'm 20.I wish I was 10...No bills or drama

  4. yes, im 23 yet i feel so old!

    Even if i did have the time again i doubt id do it right though

  5. Yes. So concentrate on what's most important to you.

  6. i dont know, never thought of that.

  7. yes i feel like that all the time

  8. Yes i do.

  9. I think most people have this feeling at some point in their life. Are you asking this because this is how you feel???

    Don't worry too much, just achieve what you can. As long as you gave it your all, tried your best and most importantly enjoyed what you did, then thats all anyone can ask :)

  10. Yes, that's why I'm coming back as a tortoise...I'll have lots of time then!



  11. yes because I suffer from depression

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