
Do u ever get annoyed but you're not sure why? ?

by  |  earlier

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or when you feel really happy but you're not sure why? you're just happy. right now i'm getting a little of both anyone has been through this? hopefully its normal. lol. a teen thing.




  1. I get annoyed all the time, but I know why, its because of my annoying brother!!

  2. Yes, all the time.  

  3. yea

  4. Annoyed all the time

  5. yup

  6. Yeah it's normal. Hormonal. It happens to me too haha.

  7. if your female.. your moods can swing a lot. its called pms. its something that you learn to work and deal with as you get older. and it gets easier.. its good you are noticing your emotions and the unusuall-ness of them, instead of acting out and not thinking about it. thats what makes it easier.. detecting your feelings and trying to get thru them.  

  8. yes all the time annoyed

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