
Do u ever go to the market to buy something and end up leaving with everything else u don't need & forget it?

by  |  earlier

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seem to do it often! Went to buy milk and spend £20 on other stuff I didn't really even need lol.




  1. Exactly, I have walked into Asda with my wife, she has had a shopping list with about 4 "top up items" on it. Magic is at work, we wind up with a full basket! I don't say anything, after all, I'm just a man !

  2. i do it all of the time ! i just went into the shop for a can of drink and spent £20  ???

  3. yes do it all the time lol

  4. i do that all the time, i can go to the store with a list and still forget things.

  5. yes, i do it all of the

  6. All the time. The only way I can discipline myself is; to only take in cash with me. If I only take in as much as the item I need then that's all I can spend. Good luck.

  7. LOL that happens ALL THE TIME.

    And I hate doing lists...nah

    It's funny though, when you come back after 5 seconds and buy whatever it was that u were supposed to buy in the first place

    They think I have Alzheimer or

  8. LOL all the time!!!

  9. yes i do, i always come back with something different, to what i went to get,    blue

  10. I used to do it but I always write a list now and keep well away from the tempting sweets & snacks isles.

    Probably it's safer to just take enough cash with you for what you need, but it's nice to spoil yourself now and again, isn't it.

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