
Do u ever wonder if your husband happen to be a perv and stalker ? do u ever question him?

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Do u ever wonder if your husband happen to be a perv and stalker ? do u ever question him?




  1. NO and if I have to I would leave

  2. yep and he sure least a perv

  3. No never. But apparently you do.

  4. mmm if your fine with it dont..

    if your not ask him.

  5. No I never wondered about that because I trust him and I know he is not.

  6. Before we got married, or even started dating, i would watch him and see how he interacted with family and friends.

    You know, what he talked about, where his eyes were looking, and what he was interested in at family functions.

    Everything turned out fine, but i was looking for strange, off set behaviour though

  7. NO, .......believe it or not, not all men are "pervs", ...

    If you have reason to believe this, find out for sure, then turn  him in!!

  8. Ecstatically, happily married for 25 years, three wonderful adult children and never once did I wonder or have these sick thoughts in my head.   I've wondered about other people but not in my own relationship.

  9. Personally, NO!

  10. do not ask him because if he is a pervert he will not tell you. can you imagine him saying "yes honey, I'm a perv. now kiss me goodnight" ? and if he isn't he will get very offended or think you are weird. if you have good reason to suspect, like evidence, hire a private detective.

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