
Do u find it a bit rude?

by  |  earlier

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Do u find it a bit rude if u send a friend (on myspace) a comment and he skips your comments (without replying back) and is replying back to others peoples comments but yours?

I have alot of friends that does that to me on myspace....I can look on their page and see where they replying back (back and forth) to other people comments but mines.....And its kind of worse when they have to approve comments, and they approves mine but don't reply back.....I know it sounds immature but I'm just wondering in general whats the message to this?




  1. Maybe you are not important enough for the  "friend"

  2. I don't think that's rude, because I think typically people don't respond to comments unless they are asked a question. I do find it rude, however, when you send someone a message and they do not respond, even if you see they have been online since you sent it. That happens to me and hurts my feelings.

  3. It is only MySpace.  Why do you care so much?

    People barely know how to behave with civility in real life.  You can hardly expect them to do so on the internet behind a mask of anonymity.

  4. I don't reply to Facebook wall messages, etc.

    I reply to direct online message, e-mail, text message, phone calls, etc.

    Many people online don't consider comments or wall posts real communication.

    Try communicating with him by a more direct means.



  5. It's not so much that you are not important, but that your comments/questions are not important. Most people don't have time to be responding to irrelevant space-fillers like "how are you today?" Show some respect for your friends by making your questions more specific and/or interesting.

  6. I really find it difficult to find fault with people that are communicating on-line. Most folks don't communicate as well as they think they do, so as someone else said, unless you asked this friend a specific question he may not see a need to reply to your comment.

    Try not to read too much into whatever you're seeing on his MySpace page. You never know what he's thinking or what's going on between him and the people he is communicating with. Sometimes people get caught up in their own little world to the exclusion of everyone else. If that's the case with your friend, it's nothing personal towards you, it's just where his mind is at the moment.

  7. Some of these people have thousands of "friends" sending them pleasantries every day. I prefer to reserve my communication for things that are truly questions that I wish to have a discussion on.  

  8. Maybe you don't said stuff that deserve answers.

  9. tell him if he is your friend and to reply

  10. do you personally know the poeple you are messaging?

  11. Oh please. Stop taking it personal. its myspace. Get over it.

  12. Maybe they have too many to reply to and forget.

  13. Don't worry about it. You were wanted in the first place. Are you shy? You might have to come up with a harder question. I really don't know. Have a good day.

  14. perhaps you comment on his page way too much.  

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