
Do u fink Papua New Guinea shud have a team in the NRL?

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  1. yeah i think its a good idea i would like to see it happen one day , it would help them and rugby leauge as well to grow .

    But who would play for them who would want to live there and be a player or coaching staff who would financially back them how would the games being played there be broadcast here ,they dont have a ground half as good as a park footy ground here etc ... but it is a good idea and they desperatly need to enter our comp and develop there skills cause they apparently go nuts for rugby leauge over there,our nrl stars are like rock stars in new guiea .go the kumuls

  2. They will be in the qld cup soon, which will be ok but NRL needs a Perth, Central Coast and another qld team before we goto PNG.

  3. One half of me says YES give the guys a go so they can become better at what they love to do.

    Another half says NO it is called 'NATIONAL' rugby league not international rugby league. We already reset our borders with the Warriors.

  4. No, the game will become less Australianised.

  5. Why not. It would be extremely entertaining with their flamboyant style we see in the sevens

    Bring it on.

  6. Simple Answer..No. I like the NRL as it is. I dont think it would do a whole lot for PNG rugby league unless they have a rule where they are only allowed a few Aussies/Kiwis, but i dont see that happening, so it would just turn out to be a PNG team full of them and that doesnt help their game a whole lot. But in saying that, i would love to see rugby league in PNG, Maybe the NRL could think about taking a game or two over there.

  7. no.they dont have money to travel around.

  8. Why do you talk that way? To answer your Q, if they have the players, then why not?

  9. Yes, just another team to kick the sh-t out of Melbourne!

  10. New Zealand have become stronger from their players being in the NRL, so could PNG. Everyone complains how the International comp is a 3 horse race, so we should be doing all we can to raise the level of other nations. Flogging them once every 2-4 years doesn't do it... regular NRL experience will.

    We don't want to be like England and put limits on who they can sign. I believe they would have enough players and pride to field a team that was mostly its own talent.

    We let NZ in the NRL, England let the French in their comp... so why should we exclude PNG??? I'm for it... it strengthens our comp, our international game and gives me another team to love/hate.

  11. i cant see why they shouldn't, NZ have a team so why not PNG. could be good for them they r league mad up there.

  12. I think maybe in about 10 years or so, I would like to see a team maybe start competing in the QLD cup in a few years, because there's no doubt PNG has talented players its just going to take a few years to get match fitness and experience up. I think the travel is an issue but maybe if they move there home ground to Australia....Maybe NT? or far north queensland? as options...who knows. They would also need alot of help with funding but i think eventually we will see a PNG team in the NRL

  13. No i don't think so because NRL stands for national rugby luguae, PNG is to far away for games, clubs wouldn't have enough money to pay for flights and that means they can't pay for big players.

  14. Bring back the Western Reds before you invite PNG!! Perth has some talent, it's a shame to waste it.

  15. No, I don't fink they should be there, nor do I fink you should butcher the english language.

  16. yeah i think they should

  17. I definately think they're up to putting a team in there, and there would be a lot of advantages both ways. The PNG players def need more exposure to big games than one game against a (well, lets face it) second-string Australian team every year. In terms of Rugby League, they are v. important (auto-inclusion in WC and well-recognised that League is their national sport). I mean, c'mon, PNG love their league like no other country on earth!

    The only concerns I would have about it would be the state of their infrastructure and whether they could handle a team in terms of providing it with a safe home ground and regular traffic both ways. I would also be worried about killing the local game: think about it - if PNG had a team in the NRL, their local leagues would lose importance very quickly and it may become too dominant to support local leagues at all. That said, the reverse could also play out where more feeder clubs are established and local leagues become more competitive for a place in the NRL team...

    but to answer your question, I think it's a great idea but not at the moment, if ever. The NRL itself isn't ready to support a team from PNG, they should be focused more on expanding the game in Australia and pushing attendances up (again, let's face it, the figures aren't exactly mind-blowing).

  18. yes why not...its only fair coz New zealand have a team so yeh...

  19. Yeah, I do think they should, but I'm saying that as an ignorant fan who wants more games!

    But, logistically, they would need an absolute truckload of money to get them going, as their airfares would be enormous, plus getting them the equipment/facilities to ensure they can compete. Then they would need continued funding (how can they match a team like the Broncos, getting 50,000 to a game, for $25 a ticket!).

    So, the answer is money. If they get funding, I say h**l yes!

  20. No. They have nothing to contribute to the competition - even in terms of bringing in extra sponsors or TV rights (same reason why the Rugby Union Super 14 refused a combined Pacific Island team). Therefore they would just be a financial drain on the existing clubs and the league in general.

  21. Yeah it would be good but travelling could be an issue.. i mean going to NZ is pretty far... for a game.. u no what i mean..?

  22. sure why not.

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