
Do u fink dat UFO's are real?

by  |  earlier

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Im undecided becoz some ppl lie.




  1. UFO stands for unidentified flying object, so yes they are real because they are flying objects which can't be identified; however I don't believe they come from outer space and contain aliens. I believe in life on other planets, but I don't think any of them have visited earth

  2. yes,we have been visited thousands of times over thousands of years

    check this site out

  3. yeah sure.

  4. yes i am a alien. roaoaoaoar .. does that scare you?  

  5. Yes UFO's are real, in that every year thousands of people worldwide report sightings. And every year thousands of photos, videos and radar recordings are made of objects in the sky that can't be readily identified.

    The real question is 'what are UFO's?' and that question is impossible to answer objectively. M.

  6. i never fink dat.

  7. definetly! if they werent then that would mean aliens arent real and if aliens arent real then that means we're the the only people in the universe and to think that is crazy. Besides there have been flying objects in the sky that people have been unable to identify!

  8. yeah i actually do, i think there are too many unexplained mysteries in the world so one of them must be right

    might aswel be the one about the UFO's


  9. No, I don't.  I haven't seen or

    heard of real proof.  There's

    lots of speculation.

  10. yeah, I do. =]

  11. i fink u need spellin lesons init

  12. YEs they are real. Have you ever seen something flying that you didn't know what it was or at least you weren't sure? That is a UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT.

    Now if you mean UFO's from outer space, that's a different story. I personally believe they are real. That is based on 12 years at sea in the Navy where we saw MANY weird things in the sky.

  13. Got to be,what are they hiding at area 51,were is the proof that they don't exsist.why do so many people just vanish.the truth is out there somewhere.

  14. yes we can't be the only life form in the universe the universe is so large it is inconceivable if something is that big life has to be somewhere even if they aren't ask advance as us or maybe we are the most advance species anywhere

  15. Why of course they are! I'm an alien just like you are. Everyone on this stinking rock is an alien. This rock is a penal complex for lightweights. We can go home when we build a ship that can go faster than the speed of light. And by the way, someone has! they run it with sound waves and it speeds along at 5x the speed of light and it don't hurt the people huh?!

  16. why do u fink dat ufos's be dat reel?

    dare be no pfroo dat dare be deese ufos, nun at awe.!

  17. I dont think so at all, but that music from the x files is well creepy

  18. Why not?  There's lots we haven't discovered yet.

  19. iv seen one up and close as a little girl i was very afraid so yes they are real

  20. yep. The universe is massive, there has to be some other sort of form lurking around somewhere.

  21. i just beamed down to tell you we are real, if you look towards the moon tonight at 11.20 pm i will prove it to you

  22. Stop writing in that stupid childish way.

  23. YES,I do .

    they are real and they are also watching us.

  24. Yes, I do. Absolutely.

  25. Were you not given English lessons in school? should read:-

    "Do you think that UFOs are real?

    I'm undecided because some people lie."

    There, more people will be able to understand your question now.

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