
Do u get money for a child with learning disability in CA?

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I know that some parents can get financial assistance if their kids have ADD but does this also apply to parents who have children with learning disabilities?

Also this is for the state of California




  1. ADD genrally does not qualify for SSI--at least it shouldn't--

    to qualify--there needs to be marked impairment in functioning-which only a small minority of children with ADD exhibit..especially when treated

  2. I have worked in Special Education for years now and have NEVER heard of anyone getting money for a kid who has ADD...Its possible that they have other more severe disabilities that would entitle them to funding. As far as learning disabilities go, again, it would have to be quite severe and more than likely coupled with another impairment to qualify for assistance.

  3. No. Never heard of it

  4. No, doesn't sound right to me.

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