
Do u get pocket money ?

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Do u get pocket money ?




  1. No...sadly. When I was a child I got about 5 shillings and used to spend it on Enid Blyton books and spend the rest of the week reading.

    My son gets £3 and more for doing jobs around the house above and beyond the usual day to day jobs.

  2. I do, but i have a job aswell and most of my pocket money goes to my phone bill. However I do have to help my mum out a lot if i've got any chance.. =P

  3. No, I'm the one who dishes it out........... and as rarely as possible.

  4. when i was a kid, i never got pocket money, ever. I dont feel deprived though, i had 5 brothers and sisters, and some parents just cant afford to give 6 kids money every week.

  5. I don't get any, I just save from birthdays and stuff, but my mum's cool so she's OK with me buying the occasional sweet or magazine...

  6. no, but my mam gives me money when ever i need it, like going shopping or to the cinema with my friends!

  7. no...not at my age..!

  8. I used to get £30 p/month before i started to work. Now im earning about £90. Not great but im only 16 lol!

  9. naah. well, if i go out my mum or dad sometimes give me money..or if i do something around the house, but i do have a job so ya know!

    most of my friends get pocket money though..

  10. I use to get £50 a month but this was the child maintence my mum recieved for me and my brothers and sisters. We had a dad and he provided us with everything we needed to. my mum shared the money she got from our sperm donor between us, i guess it was compensation for having a losey birth father!

  11. I used to get an allowance, but I had to do chores for it. Then I got a job - while still in school - and it was very liberating to earn and control my own cash flow.

  12. yeah it was £17 a week but now it £12 Cuz i had a new phone and laptop

  13. I never got pocket money . . . my parents just  bought whatever I needed until I got a job at 15--then I was on my own.

  14. yep!  $7.00 per week!

    this has been since 4th grade!

    but it depends on your parents, some might not want to give money to your kids, or some might have money problems and can't!

    so..... if my pocket moneys higher or lower than yours, don't complain! your even lucky to here money!

  15. Sadly no, and i never did either :( but hey I have a job now :D

  16. no :@

  17. i get 5 pound a week xxxxx

  18. not any more - I give my kids pocket money though

  19. I get €20 every week and some months my mum gives me €50 for clothes as well as my pocket money!

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