
Do u get scared of geneology websites because of frude?

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Do u get scared of geneology websites because of frude?




  1. I think it's worrying that I can log onto Genes Reunited, pay 10p and look up any 3 year old born in the UK, find out their full name, date and place of birth, and mother's maiden name - without even presenting any ID.

    You should also worry about who you allow to view your information. There's plenty of nutters out there, and family history is just another way for them to find out the names of your kids, or any other children in your tree. I have a tree online, but it hides the names of living relatives, and I have erased all photos from it. I think it's important to protect your family, because THEY didn't ask you to do this, YOU did.

    And how about ordering certificates? This afternoon I ordered three certificates from the GRO, and they ask you what your relation is to them. Now, our surnames aren't the same, but when I say I'm their great granddaughter, they take it for gospel without even checking. I was being honest, but what's stopping me buying Elton John's birth certificate?

  2. No ! I never believe any information I find unless I can either so the original document, or find a method of double checking what ever data I get.

  3. What does frude mean? Oh you mean FRAUD!

    The problem with Genealogy sites are they are only as accurate as the person who entered the info.

    Much info on my family is WRONG, You should never ever

    enter LIVING info into your or on a genealogy site, any reputable genealogist doesn't include info on living individuals. I don't put any info on my children, kids, spouse or myself online. That is just asking for trouble. Rootsweb and other good genealogy sites will remove living info if you ask them to. You should do your own research and document your own sources, verify, verify verify and document everything. Many beginners don't do this and wish they would have later on.

  4. There are alot of genealogy sites that have fraudulent material on them.  All I can say is stick to the rootsweb,, and others that are really well known.  The best research is still research you find on your own through primary documentation.

  5. A good geneological site will only offer guidance, it will show you how to investigate your heritage and offer guidance any other site that says anything other than that is bogus.

  6. Yeah I do, because they have ur date of birth, place of birth, mothers maid name and even your marriage

    so yes I do, its a shame u cant remove them

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