
Do u guys have any hair recepies to make ur hair less damaged?!!easy 10 points!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have curly hair and straighten it every day!I have tried mayo and didn't work, I use a repair conditioner and I use a heat protecting spray!!please help anything will due!!Thanks!




  1. I don't have a recipe but I heard on Oprah ( HA HA ) That there is this one product called eve that is natural and works well I believe you can just buy it at like walmart or anywhere like that

  2. The kiyoseki is the best straightner in the world trust me on this one.It can straighten and it can curl your hair if you want.And also when it hot outside your hair stays straight it will not frizz outside.This iron is also healthy for your hair.My hair is poofy frizzy SUPER curly and it works so good on my hair. I really cant live without it. To so see the commercial and reviews go to and if you have any questions you can always email me hope this helped.=)

  3. avacados. not guacomolie, because that has spices in it but just plain mashed avacados. It should help.

  4. I mix egg (the yellow part) with honey and leave it on for twenty minutes, then wash it off.

  5. Home remedy can be oiling one hour before shampoo and 15 minutes before shampoo use egg yolk and 2 table spoons of yoghurt mixed together. Apply on your scalp as one would apply hair dye plus

    Check your diet. Internal nutrition reflects your skin and hair. lack of proteins and vitamin B6 / C / E  always aggravates hair fall.Plus the deodorant you use should be free of chemicals because many deodorants contain led and other chemicals which close the pores and the body is not able to get rid of toxins and these toxins in the system create acidity and weaken hair follicles .

    Drink Healthy Water -  clean, chemical free water at all times. Spring water is recommended because it has flowed freely against the earth´s electromagnetic field, thus restoring all the essential energy fields that are required to fully nourish the body.

    Manage Stress - Take the time for daily exercise and relaxation of the body and mind. Practising meditation or taking a few minutes for silent contemplation is highly recommended. Ziravie® offers meditation and stress management CD´s that include simple, practical and effective techniques.

    Reduce Toxicity -- Aim to minimize the intake of toxins, through consuming clean organically grown food, and avoiding unnecessary medications, strong chemical cosmetics, excessive alcohol and intoxicants.

    Taking charge of your lifestyle and nutrition, is an essential step towards restoring equilibrium. Think healthy, be healthy and live healthy. There is no such thing as a miracle product.

  6. beat eggs and apply on hair, olive oil, mayonaise, avocados

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