
Do u guys notice any hate or racism from people for being muslim?

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I am Muslim and have nothing but kind words and a kind and helping heart for anyone, regardless of race, gender, religious beliefs, etc. But have u ever experienced any racism or hate, like if u r a sister and wear a hijab or a brother with a beard or whatever.

How do u deal with it?

How does it make u feel?

How long does it take or did it take u to forget about it?

Plz list where u live as well.

Be as specific as possible with your answers, no I dont mean tell me there eye color.




  1. Muslims are also human and not Angeles. It is not fair to question and judge Muslims only.  If  all Muslims were perfect through out the

    Muslim countries, wouldn't  they have good government  and give their lives to get rid of politicians who steal funds and commit crimes and get away and keep getting elected again and again.

    Allah says people get the rulers what they deserve.   Allah punishes bad Muslims for their love for this worldly life  and not giving their blood to getting rid of such criminals as we have in Pakistan and in many other Muslim countries.

  2. @ th1qfactor :  

    Muslim is the one who believes in Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) as the last Prophet of Allah ............seal of the Prophets.

    whoever believes in a false Prophet who came after Prophet Mohammad is a Non-Muslim ,therefore a Kaafir.

    Who gave you Ahmedis authority to put A.S (alay salaam) after the name of False Jerk Mirza Ghulaam qaadiyaan and why do you put razi Allah with name of your Khalifaas  .......which means that you are declaring your Khalifaas as Jannathis .  

  3. asalamu alaykum

    coz i wear the full islamic hijab..i occassionaly get rude comments from people but more than anything i get dirty looks..but i just ignore it coz i dont really care what people think of wearing it fisabilillah and thats the most important thing..i do get angry at times but i dont say or do anything as i know ill be acting out of anger and will probably say something un islamic and so i refrain from doing that as i do not want to set a bad example for muslims. i live in the uk

  4. approximately 1 month after 9/11 I was sitting in a restaurant with my parents.  I am a Muslim and they are not.  We were almost finished eating when an elderly lady approached the table.  She put her hand on my shoulder and leaned over and said to me "don't you let anybody bother you."  and walked away.  I'll never forget that moment.  Overall I have not been bothered because I am a Muslim and I think that is because Americans for the most part are open-minded and friendly.

  5. Hate is bound to vanish.  Don't let it get to you.  The Prophet (sa) was initially hated by more than anyone ever has, but is now loved more than anyone ever could be loved.  Follow his example of peace, patience, and prayer.

    Ahmadi Muslim living in Chicago.  But I've spent extensive time in Pakistan where I can be given the death penalty for calling myself a Muslim. (which is totally against Islam to have compulsion)


    @Asker - In Pakistan they've passed "blasphamy laws" where if you dont' follow the specific "brand" of Islam of the Mullahs of Pakistan, you can be put to death.  Since I, as an Ahmadi Muslim, do not believe that Isa (as) ascended to heaven, and since I believe that Imam Mahdi and Messih has come as foretold by the Prophet (sa), the Mullahs of Pakistan pushed laws through the government that say that Ahmadi Muslims are not Muslims.  Therefore, if they are caught 'posing' as a Muslim by saying salaam, calling their masjid a Masjid, praying, or anything else a Muslim does, the minimum sentence is 3 years, maximum is death penalty.

    But again, this is the same type of persecution all followers of true Messengers of Allah faced.  (Look no further than the Prophet (sa) and his companions).  This stuff passes and truth and peace always prevail, alhumdolillah.

    love for all, hatred for none


  7. Well as a muslim wearing the islamic hijab i felt discriminated in Turkey and there really wasn't much i can do except ignore everyone but personally i never really cared of what people thought about me. I knew Allah would reward me for my struggles in Turkey so i was patient.

    Alhamdulillah i now live in the UAE and a proud muslim

  8. Yeh everytime on fridays i wore a "jalabea" and i got stared at and they were shouting abusive words but alll you need to do is ignore them. If you do anything to them it wil just be a waist of time. Look at the muslim's trying to stay alive and there being called terriosts. Our world is evil but you just gotta keep your head high and be polite. :)

  9. I am a muslim, and I think most non-muslims are peaceloving unlike we our muslim brotherhood who are producing terrorists today and lying about how peaceful our religion is and how honest and shamefree our muhammad(pbuh) is.  When the direct opposite is true.

    But don't worry, I always forget the shames that we commit in the name of Islam because I want to remain a muslim.


  10. Alhamdulillah I don't receive any hate or racism for being a Muslimah and a hijabi. The only thing I receive are questions.

    "Why do you wear that?"

    "Did you choose to wear it or your parents made you?"

    "How long is your hair?"

    I don't really mind the questions, but some questions like "Are you bald?" "Do you have hair?" gets me a little angry. lol

  11. Hate exists everywhere, for various reasons. I think the problem with descrimination and Islam however is that people associate an ethnicty with a religion. People assume that anyone who even LOOKS Middle Eastern is Muslim, which is a vast generalization because 1.I am Mexican, and I have family members who could pass for Middle Eastern and 2.Not EVERY person in the east or every person of an eastern culture is Muslim. People forget that just like Christians, Muslims come in every shape, size, and color.

    As far as hijab and beard goes, I don't think many people are aware of the meaning of a beard in Islam. I think a majority of people just see a beard and think nothing of it, at least where I live. Hijab on the other hand ONLY gets associated with Islam. Many people are unaware that Jewish and Christian women cover themselves the same way Muslim women do, but I think because in some cultures Islam is more instituted into family life, so the children learn more about Islam, and parents expect the children to apply Islamic values to their day-to-day lives, Muslim hijabis are more common. A lot of people don't even know what a proper hijab looks like either. The other day I tied a scarf on my head with one of those stretchy wide head band things, similar to an underscarf but not so wide, to keep the scarf from falling off my head. I went out, and the scarf wasn't even covering my neck and people were looking at me a bit funny because you could see the headband under the scarf. It was kind of uncomfortable, but I just thought, "these people are looking at me obviously out of ignorance" and went about my day.

    I say culture, not ethnicity, so don't get it mixed up anyone, lol.

  12. i so agree with the answer above me

    just ignore...dont give a damm!

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