
Do u guys think kobe bryant should be traded ?

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i think he should be traded for carmello anthony and nena and there point guard

i can remember his name (not allen iverson)




  1. that would be pointless lakers would be nothin without kobe.. its basically tryin to ride a bike without wheels :\

  2. yes trade the guy that just helped guide the lakers to the finals. you should be a GM. i'm sure the clippers would hire you.

    and the point guard is anthony carter.

  3. The Lakers could get Carmelo for Odom & Walton .

  4. J.R. Smith, is that who you're talking about. I think they should just keep him and get better supporting players. Odom choked in Finals and Pau Gasol is weak down low.

  5. This is stupid. The Lakers would never do that!

  6. Lakers won't be Lakers w/o Bryant.

  7. I Have An Idea Why Not Just Detonate Him to The Poor?!!!!!!!!!!!

    Man U Must Be Crazy If U Really Think That Kobe Will Ever Leave LAL

    They Won't Trade Him For Bosh/Howard\Wade/King James Together

  8. no  

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