
Do u guys think yhe world will end 2012?

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i dont but i do believe in god i dont think the myans where able to tell when that day will come only god




  1. Who cares? You don't have  much to worry about when you are dead.  And God doesn't hate anyone as much as to send them to a fiery pit of h**l.  He just doesn't.  If you have good in your heart, then onward to "Heaven" in 2012.

  2. No. the world won't end. It will just be end of  Mayan's calendar. People said that the year 2000 will end. Did it? No. So, I don't think the world will end in 2012. Hey, I could be wrong but it's most likely that the world will still go on. Ending in 2012 would SEEM impossible. Try searching on Google about this.

  3. that question has been ask alot and since it is an opinion it gives people like me a chance to earn points.

    i don't know if i will be here in 2011, 2010,..., i think it is better to focus on what we can do something about. as far as the myans, i think they were probably like us and had material,time,..., constraints. they may have had every intention of making an addition later.

  4. no

  5. No, no, no, a million times no.  I am, however, bored with continuously giving my scientific reasons, but I'm sure you can look them up on here, as well as those by many other people.

  6. I believe the universe can end like it was created by the big bang.

    God can end it now. He can end it 1 hrs later. He can end it in 2012. Or even later.

    We are not God (can't even imagine) to be discussing this.

    Mayans may be right {let's not debate on that although it is a subject of debate}. But who knows whether God decided to change the fate of the universe. Neither you nor I know what lie concealed in the dark. We are not that potent to discuss this my dear brother.

  7. The mayans were correct about every single lunar eclipse to date. I think there's a chance those little guys might have been on to something. It's whether or not we have the equipment to stop the meteor or not. It's supposed to be 2/3 the size of earth, right?

  8. nobody can see the future,so nobody's idea is accurate

  9. no one can predict the armageddon. only god can because he owns the world. people said that in the year 2000, the world is gonna end. well, did it?no. Mayans,yes may have predicted that the world is gonna end, but it doesnt mean that the world is gonna end. IT might be a legend, WHO KNOWS. But, even if the world did end in 2012, we will be going to a better place,Heaven

  10. NO

    I am athiest

    but I commend you in not tying the mayan believes into your belief in god.

    this is the one time I side with Christians and admire your steadfast  beliefs. don't let the blind sheep stray you off course.

  11. *drink*

  12. No,it'll just be another year.

  13. i dont belive in god, and i also don't believe the myans had any sort of psychic abilities to predict when the world is going to end.

  14. NO..

  15. No, I do not think the world will end in 2012. I did a lot of research on this because I was curious too.  The Mayans were probably the smartest people to ever live, but they can't predict the end of the world.  On December 12, 2012 (the day they say the world will end) our Solar System will be on the other side of our galactic equator (look at the milky way on images or something, then draw a line horizontally through the center, right now we're under that line, but at the end of 2012, we'll be above it)..they say that will cause a pole change on the earth.  The magnetic field will flip around, the north magnetic field will be the south and vice-versa.  This IS fact, as we're already going through it slightly.  In this process, the magnetic field will weaken, allowing the Sun's radiation into our atmosphere, possibly ending human life, no one will know if it will go this far.  

    As for the Mayan theory, I looked up stuff on this, and the reason their calendar ended on 2012 is because of this...

    Our present calendar..goes from January 1 to December 31.  We call this 1 year.  There calendar went from..whatever they wanted until whatever they wanted.  They called it a Baktun.  And the most recent Baktun just happens to end on Dec. 12, 2012.  The reason more of the calendar wasn't made is because times started changing, religion was pressed on people more..and the Mayan culture just..started fading away.  If their culture lasted a little longer, more of the calendar would have been made and people would start freaking out again later on down the road..whenever the next Baktun ends.

  16. The Mayans didn't predict the end of the world. A cycle of their calendar comes to an end on December 21st 2012. A lot of fraudsters and charalatans have picked up on this date to predict the end of the world in order to make money from books and TV shows. All of their scientific claims fall flat when subjected to the smallest degree of intelligent scrutiny.

    Note to bodomschild62989:

    You need to do a bit more research. The solar system won't pass through the galactic equator for about 30 million years. The Milky Way is large, diffuse and irregular. The idea that the central plane can be defined with sufficient accuracy to enable the solar system crossing to be nailed down to a particular day is nonsense.

  17. no its just a stupid theory

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