
Do u hate spiders?

by Guest66991  |  earlier

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Do u hate spiders?




  1. No.Only if they bite.But if they do bite I still don't hate them.If you google spiders online it's amazing to read about them and all the interesting things they do.Do you hate spiders?

  2. No.

  3. I hate all the spiders, except the black widow spider.

  4. Im scared of them if they dont hurt me then i <3 them

  5. I don't hate spiders, i just fear them. It's irrational i know, but there still nice to look at (even though i'm too frightened to touch one)

  6. No i like all spiders

  7. No, they are beneficial arthropods for the most part.  

    I used to be scared of black widows, but as I've seen their mild manners over the years, my attitude has adjusted.

    In fact, I've never seen a spider aggressive toward humans.....

  8. No, because they kill all the bad bugs.
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