
Do u hate turkish government? governments especially at work in the last 20 years of turkey stole billions?

by  |  earlier

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of dollars from turkish public. i hate them and their nasty leaders and parties. and the half of the tax they collect from every turkish citizen goes to europe as interest of their loan they got from europe. in 20 years governments so far paid 500 billions of dollars interest. do u still like them




  1. I don't. I actually like them. They are cleaning the dirt, those before them brought about. That this gov. pays interest is not their mistake. They have been paying back what the others like Demirel, Ecevit, Yilmaz, Baykal and Co. piled up. Those who stole governed before this. one

  2. No I don't! I admire them for repaying their debts and for standing up to Muslim extremists.

  3. Of corz I hate them! Apart from this, there are so many other reasons to why I hate them...

  4. turkey had to take loans when they were down and out and trying to rebuild the new turkish republic,and its a price turks should be at peace with now.

    things r geting better not worse,remember that.

  5. down and out? you mean lazy and unproductive..they still had the BEY mentality...

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