
Do u hav an idea when Breaking Dawn will come in india? If so. Where can I get it?

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Do u hav an idea when Breaking Dawn will come in india? If so. Where can I get it?




  1. Im not sure but i dont think it would be to long after America. I know we get it here in Australia on the 4th so India will probably get around then too. Sorry im not more help.

  2. I don't really know the date. Here in Italy we have to wait 'til October, but that's because it have to be translated. But i found out that there will probably be also in India (I mean, on the 2nd of august).

  3. It comes out in America on the 2nd August...and in Australia 4th August...So i would say mid August.

    Sorry i'm 100% sure though.

    Search the nternet...that should get you the answer.

  4. omg, I have the same problem! I will be visiting India when i releases. lol, I need that book ASAP. It will probably come out a few days after the US release date.

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