
Do u have a Father who praises his stepchild over U and ur siblings2please his wife?

by  |  earlier

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and how has this effected u and ur life?




  1. No but my stepson gets pleased by my wifes side and our sons get left in the dark I dont let it bother me I try to be a father to him as well as my own but deep inside your father loves you more because your his son he just cant show it and Im not being a mean stepdad or anything but its the god honest truth and in turn  your stepbro loves his own dad and will only have respect for your dad wait till you guys are older youll see your all family !

  2. I have been in this situation and man, it is hard. Peter D has the right answer.  It is a fine line to tread. I don't envy anyone in this situation.

  3. Got a similar situation here....Peter D. had a good answer. Peter D..why don't you go visit the Mental Health Section? You might could do some good over there. Or..I think there's one on here about family relationships etc. Don't waste your talent over here when you could REALLY be helping some people over there!.(I'm not trying to get rid of you...I'm serious. There are people out there who need help with the same things you've been through. ..and  "You the man" they need!!)

    Don't you think so too, Auntie??!

    EDIT...I liked PSIs answer too!!

  4. Get real. Don't be jelous and get a life.

  5. Are you sure you're not just jealous that your father is giving someone other than you and your sibling some attention?

  6. I have never been in your situation.

    I think it wonderful that you have such faith in your relatives (and perhaps all humanity) to think that when people behave badly it is probably a dark force. If you believe in a dark force I suspect you believe in a white or good force.

    There is nothing wrong with praying, lighting candles, or any other ritual, religious faith, etc. that you might practice in order to help your father and his wife overcome or not be influenced by any dark/negative forces. While this is based on faith and belief (not experimental evidence) it is still your choice.

    However, I do think that you have to consider that some people are selfish, some just make bad choices, some are inconsiderate, etc. without a dark force being required for this type of behavior.

    I would ask you to consider the possibility of talking with your father or your step mom about how you feel.

  7. i didnt know that a stepfather has anything to do with the paranormal unless he is posessed, but since i have nothing better to do right now ill help you out. there is always going to be a favorite in the family somewhere wether its legitimate family or step family but why let it bother you as long as its not effecting the way that the other kids are then dont worry about it but if it is sit your father down and talk to him and let him know.

  8. A remarriage always creates a strange and sometimes bad dynamic.  Your father, as a husband, has a duty to do his best to keep his wife happy.  However, he also has a duty to take care of his children.  In my opinion he should do his best to care for all of his children equally.  However, if there is priority given, it should be to his biological children.

    Your father is in a tough situation.  He is in the unenviable position of having to keep his children happy and his wife happy.  This can be a difficult task to manage.  It's possible what you say here is true, but it's also possible you are very sensitive and might be misinterpreting what is actually going on.  It's not unlikely, since you are so emotionally involved, that you are a bit biased in your assessment of events.  Jealousy among step-siblings is the stuff of legend.  Remember Cinderella?

    Having been raised in a similar situation I can tell you that the wisest course is to make taking the high road a matter of policy.  Every time there is a dispute you must suck it up and take the short end of the stick.  It will build character and make you a better person.  Otherwise your life will potentially be filled with a lot of conflict.

    Oh, and there's no "dark force" at work here.

  9. Basic Freud psychology stuff.  Simply put, he's a jerk!  Find someone else as a father figure so you don't turn out just like him.  Sounds a lot like my dad was,  I'll bet he drinks a lot too.  That is the true evil spirit here.

  10. no

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