
Do u have a crush on someone???

by  |  earlier

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do u have a crush on someone but they don't know it yet???




  1. No I don't.

    I told him like 3 weeks ago and he rejected me.




  2. Yup!

    Want to answer mine?;...

  3. yeah.. i do..... but anyways, its not gonna be a good things to let him know.. if he knows that, he wont like you.. so, i kept my secret

  4. no

    if i like someone i go up to them and tell them.

    they might not feel that same way but then you

    dont have to worry about them finding out.

    so if you have a crush on someone, tell them.


  5. yeah

  6. yup,im painfully shy so i just keep quiet.The only thing i ever said to him was"ThanX"(*_*)  

  7. yes... I like him ALOT!

  8. I do. And you known it's you baby

  9. nope just single.

  10. yes

    and yes

    why do you want to know that?

  11. YES I have, but I think the guy either doesn't like me  or doesn't even know that I exisit

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