
Do u have a nick name??

by  |  earlier

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im very random and my nick-name is spaz in school lol. its not like a laugh at u ordeal its more like a laugh with u kinda thing. im known as the crazzi funny grl and when im called a spaz-tas-tic i take it as a compelment. do u have a nick-name? and is it one that ppl laugh at or with u?




  1. My nickname that my friends call me is Mia, and I like that name. But this girl always calls me bagpipes and I hate that. i don't even play the bagpipes!

  2. I'm called Pubbs, Ginger, and Big Red and they're all laughing with me

  3. Yh i do but this is conservation not conversation XD  

    Nickname is oli

  4. My first nickname (2nd grade) was "Professor". Subsequent nicknames would mostly be replaced by asterisks if I listed them here.

  5. The nick Name i got stuck with at school was Burger Nips , I dont actually have burger nipples but it just got stuck and by the second week me and my friend both had succesfully got our new names round school ..

    Hers was Kebab f***y

    Mine was Burger Nips !

    How cool are we :D

  6. vernon. yours sounds WAY better though, lol

  7. My nick-name is Ronni...and yes, people laugh at it all the time!


  8. JT

  9. Stud Muffins (I wish)

  10. tiny cucumber

  11. << Vaporcarb <<

  12. Mine isn't really funny, but all my buddies call me "Q" because my last name is kinda odd and starts with a Q.  And I love your nickname SPAZ.  I don't know where you live, but I live in Boston and on my favorite radio stations (WAAF 107.3) morning show, one of the guys on it is named SPAZ, because he always spaz's on callers when they call in with something ridiculous or to make fun of him. It's super funny!  Anyway, great question SPAZ, haha!

  13. Yes, because I have a long Polish last name, everyone calls me "Ski". I can live with that.

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