
Do u have a place like a restaurant, or a coffee shop that u go to almost everyday? it's not abnormal, is it?

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Do u have a place like a restaurant, or a coffee shop that u go to almost everyday? it's not abnormal, is it?




  1. Um, I don't but when you said that it reminded me of Seinfeld


  2. I personally have a Qdoba addiction on the weekends.  I have found a new website though that I can talk about it and other things that I love and they don't think I'm nuts.

    In fact is looking for the very places that we love to frequent.  But I think they are more about putting the mom and pop establishments on the map rather than big chains like Applebees because we all know that if you have been to one you have been to them all.  It is a new place so they are trying to build up their list of places to go.  I have been doing my best to work on the Wisconsin pages since that is where I live.

  3. No. I don't always go to a place everyday, but I do frequent many places. On weekends, I stop by our local Cafe Brazil almost every night for a cup of good cheap coffee with friends. And I go to IHOP so much that I've become friends with most of the staff and even have some them as friends on Myspace! I think it's just a preference thing, either because the food and drinks are good, you like the people and atmosphere, or you're just looking for a good deal. It's not weird.

  4. I usually stop in at the town pub, and deli. Almost every day after school, I go. It is delish, and I have my friends to keep me company! lol. It's not abnormal!


  5. I do! It's a daily routine & I'd feel something amiss if I don't at least pay a visit to them. (Sometimes just to say hi to the baristas.) No, it's not abnormal at all. Go often enough, smile enough and make friends with the crew; it'll make you feel less awkward and you'd be surprised they might even remember your favorite drinks.

  6. I personally do not have a place that I go every single day, but I do have many places that I frequent often, though.

    When I worked at restaurants and bars, there were people who would come in about every day. This is quite normal. Just make sure that you tip well and treat the staff nicely. That way, they'll be happy to see you there all the time.

  7. definately NOT: when I was working I would stop every morning at a local coffee shop on my way to work. I would meet basically the same people and we would chat while having our morning coffee. We would then go our separate ways until the next day. We would meet again.

  8. I go to Tim Horton's everyday. I don't think I'm abnormal

  9. h**l nah.

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