
Do u have a saggy stomach after gibvin birth?

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and how long have u had it




  1. yes! 5 years! and here to stay unless i can afford a tummy tuck one day.

  2. I havent had any kids, I lost 152 pounds when I was 21.  I have an apron of skin that will not go away unless i have surgery. Kinda depressing when you go to your GYN and they ask how many children you have had.

  3. just for a little while some peoples elasticity of their skin is quite good others not. I am lucky to be one where my stomach didn't sag that much and went back to pre pregnancy state after a couple of months. I'm pregnant again with my 3rd baby 3rd year running so i dont think i'll be quite as lucky this time round i think my stomach will just go (oh sod this i'm staying put ha ha)

  4. You do have a slightly saggy tummy and that is why it is very important to do the exercises they recommend to tone the muscles and get it looking normal pre-preggie stomach. Usually you can start doing exercises 6 weeks after birth to get the muscles back in their place. If you leave it too late it gets more difficult to get it back.

  5. had got mine back to almost normal after 5 years but just ruined it after giving birth again 7 weeks ago....the flab is back...maybe if i hadn't eaten sooooooo much during my pregnancy it wouldn't be so bad!

  6. Unfortuneately, yes.  I've had three kids and at this point the only thing that will fix it is a tummy tuck.

  7. Everything went back to normal on my body 2 weeks after I gave birth! But that isn't the case for everyone!

  8. Have to agree mine is a mummy tummy too. Its just a bit looser, there is muscle underneath but a sqishy bit on top!

    Ah the joys of motherhood, doing aerobics with loads of sit ups and is helping but slow progress

  9. Sorry to say yes i still have a big saggy bit ...while carrying my twins my waist grew to 69inches and i had a section ..and its been 10 years and still got that saggy part ...oh well it was worth it !

  10. Not all women have a saggy stomach.  Depends on how much weight they gained during their pregnancy and if they exercised during that time.  Some women are able to begin to exercise again (if no C-section) and get their stomachs right back into s**y shape!!!

  11. I had 3 kids in 32 months. I wldnt say its saggy, but its not flat. Its what i call a mummy tummy. Last child born 7 years ago.

  12. Yep afraid so :( My mum calls it an apron!

  13. yes here to stay im afraid my skin just stressed have no excess fat just skin

  14. i think mine was saggy for about 2 weeks but i am naturally slim so it sort of just flung back to normal-ish, but i have killer stretch marks tho lol, cant have everything!!

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