
Do u have any story about wilderness? how can u define the wilderness?

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Do u have any story about wilderness? how can u define the wilderness?




  1. a wild and uncultivated region, as of forest or desert uninhabited only by wild animals.

  2. Once when I was in Alaska, we flew a 4 passenger plane to almost the top of Mt. McKinley and landed on top of a glacier. An the way back, we did a few close fly-overs on a few grisley bears and moose. Nothing but wilderness as far as you can see.

    It is said, if you ever have the chance to do any traveling, go to Alaska last - because you will never beat what you see there. I saw eagles grab fish right out of the water, I saw goats walking on the side of a cliff that was straight up a few hundred feet. I saw a porcupine that was 3 feet high standing in the middle of the road and wouldn't let me pass him. The forest is so dense, you could only see 3 feet into it before being blocked by trees - and I saw a moose with a 10 foot rack of horns walk right thru it as if there was a road there. I saw the 3rd largest bear ever caught there, he was stuffed, he was standing at least 14 feet high. I don't think I could of wrapped my hands around his head. He could have bit me in half with no problem. Then the mosquitoes are considered the state bird. If you went into the woods in the summer, you would die from blood loss within a day or two.

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