
Do u have easy love spells??

by  |  earlier

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I need easy love spells.




  1. there really are no "easy love spells" the true and best spells come from the heart and within. a "love spell" is best done on yourself rather than your current crush, because it interferes with their free will. if you want to do a spell its better to put a spell on yourself, like if you want to apper more attractive then do a spell to help you help yourself so to speak. try to do a spell for self confidence or self love, "noone will love you if you cant love yourself" i wear a piece of clear crystal quartz around my neck for protection and good luck, plus i get alot of complements on it :D try wearing a piece of rose quartz (for self love) like this:

    or use this in spells on yourself:

    mine looks like this but its short and fat:

  2. Yea, its called Whiskey.

  3. roofies and viagra.

  4. Stop being horrible to her shes a kid juxst trying to have fun.


    Sweetie maybe you sohuld just be tyourself arund guys.

    And be suductive that can be the best spell of all.

    love ;D

  5. Yes.  Lose the excess weight and pluck your unibrow, then maybe he'll give you the time of day.

  6. LOL @ 'Stop the nonsense' =)

    I'd also like to add you can get your love spells on a full moon. Bathe in salt water and then dress in skimpy clothes. Go to the nearest street corner (remember under the full moon light), once you are there light a candle and chant out loud "Ten dollars for one hour" until someone answers.

    There's your love sweety =P

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