
Do u have...?

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do u have regrets?wut r they?




  1. no

    please answer my question

  2. I regret reading this question!

  3. yes.. wasting my time to answer this question.. i try to help people out and this is the appriciation I get

  4. doing your mom

  5. YES. There are TOO many, sometimes I want to re-do the bad things I did and not do them! Once when I was a kid, we were on the bus and a boy was ticking me off. I was kinda joking and I said : 'I'm gonna spit on you if you don't cut it out!' Then he said 'PSHH, no you won't'. Then I did. I have regreted it and feel SO bad about it!

  6. yep i do have some regrets in life, most people have them.

    the trick is not to dwell on them, be positive, learn from the things that have caused the regrets, my choices, other peoples choices that effected me or circumstances in general, we all got to move on, life is to short to dwell on regrets.

  7. ...about going to amusement parks???



  8. about going to the carnival hecks to the nooooo
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