
Do u have to fly over?

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My family and I are going to Cancun..we live in Dallas so I was wondering if u had to fly over the gulf of mexico!! bc I really dont want to!!!




  1. I think it depends if you are going straight from Dallas to Cancun or if you are stopping somewhere to get on another plane.

  2. you  can drive through Mexico or take a boat through the Gulf Of Mexico.

  3. From Dallas to Cancun, over the gulf of Mexico would be the most direct route. I can't say that that is the route they will take though. I think pilots like to fly over land as much a possible. I know when I flew from Atlanta to Merida (mx) the pilots chose to fly south over Florida pretty much until they ran out of land they then veered slightly to the west (staying near Cuba) but still came up well to the east of Merida, and then flew a more westerly route over land. It seemed to me that the route they took kept them over land as much as possible.

    Don't worry, flying is very safe.

  4. Just flew from Dallas to Cancun last week.  Yes, you will fly over the Gulf of Mexico.  The flight takes about 2.5 hours.  It is fast and easy.

  5. Hi,

    To answer your question!! YES!!! Your flight will fly right over the Houston area ans directly to Cancun across thje Gulf. This is a very direct flight. You have nothing to worry about. I think it's one of the shortest flights you can take to get to Cancun. I like the flight out of Dallas, the flight out of L.A. is 5 hours and takes forever.

    Not to Worry

  6. hey. i think that would be the easiest way and most direct way to go, but like the first guy said...piolits like to fly over as little water as possible.  it will not be that bad and HEY! it will be worth it to go to cancun! have a great trip!!♥♥

  7. Hi,

    I hope this will be of some help, but in 2001 my husband got us a vacation to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and it was my first time ever on a airplane. I was very, very scared and many things running through my mind at the time & even cryed too.

    I loved my VACATION and we have gone back to mexico 3 other times scense then. I'm not much for flying either but the flight is well worth the trip. Trust me you will have a good time and you'll be looking forward to your next trip there.
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