
Do u have to go to college to work at a children day care center?

by  |  earlier

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if so then how many years do u have to go?




  1. No, not at all.  There are lots of teens who work at day cares that aren't even out of high school.

  2. I have been a pre-school teacher since I was a senior in high school (Im 24 now) and I actually do not have my degree yet due to personal life interupptions, but any way i would say that it depends on the day care. I live in NY, and here some schools require it and some dont. The school i previously worked at did not require it. So it depends on the school. You best bet is to call and ask.

    Although most will prefer experience, if you dont have any they may still hire you as an assitant and you can be trained.

    good luck

  3. I don't know about your state's laws but in Ohio, you only need your high school diploma.  Continuing education is required - 15 hours a year plus certification in CPR, First Aid, Communicable Disease and Child Abuse Prevention.  Good luck!

  4. No you don't have to go collage but you will need a high school

    diploma or a GED and also need CPR,first aid and might need Sid and if you do get a job in a childcare they will send you for your training hour that are required.

  5. No you don't have to go to college to work in daycare. You can apply as a teacher's assistant and gain experience that way. If you like the experience and want to take it further then you go into college or even take an apprenticeship program which allows you to work and go to school at the same time. I know of at least two people who have taken an apprenticeship program and have got their ECE diplomas. If you're not sure if you're going to like working in daycare try it out as a teacher's assistant first and go from there.

    Good Luck!

  6. It depends on the state requirements.  If you want to be an assistant, in Michigan, then you only need 12 hours of training, CPR/First Aid, and blood pathogen.  I am a teacher in a center and I am only required to have all that and 6 credit hours in early childhood. I have a bachelors in psychology and am working on my master's degree. Some places require an associates which usually takes 2 years.

  7. You have to have 6 early childhood education units to be an assistant. 12 if you want to be a head teacher. The more units you have, the more money you can make and the higher positions you can take.

    Some states may differ in their requirements.

  8. If you live in Ontario, Canada: You don't have to go to college to be an Early Childhood Education Assistant and work in a daycare centre but you can't  technically work alone in a room as an ECE without your Early Childhood Education diploma or degree which you can get through a 2 year program of college (diploma), university (degree) or an internship program (diploma).

  9. it depends on the state you live in.  you can go on line and find out.  but most states you just have to be 18 and a high school graduate.

  10. my wife has a certificate in childcare services through some online school....I forget what it's called. It took her like 3 months and cost like 400 bucks. (and honestly....the whole thing's a joke, they don't teach anything,) but it DID help her get a job in child care a lot easier. No one hired her before that. She never even got an interview before that.

  11. daycare? like daycare not preschool?

    as far as i know you dont have to have any

  12. You generally need the 12 early childhood development units at a minimum... not necessarily a degree.

  13. Depends where u wana work. I work in a day care.. I have a Certificate in Childrens Services and am studying my Diploma.. but most places will hire you without any qualifications.. aslong as u are willing to study.. you didnt say where you live etc.. I know you also need a police clearance to check your not a pervert or whatever.

    Personal Experience also comes into work experience, so if you have your own children or have babysitting experience it all counts towards experience!

    Good Luck! Its a rewarding career!

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