
Do u have to mix the oil and gas?

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and if u do how do u add it




  1. In what?

    Not in your car. Only use gas in a car.

    Some smaller scooters and home garden tools (like string trimmers and push mowers) may have what is called a 2-stroke engine that will require an oil/gas mix. The exact ratio should be in the owner's manual. If it is not, go to your local hardware store and ask someone there.

    4-stroke engines (like those in riding mowers, cars and motorcycles) do not need the gas/oil mix.

  2. ask where the motor is sold  If it is 2 stroke or 4.  They will tell you and the mix and the ratio and all that jazz.

  3. yeah, it usually works if you just add olive oil.

  4. 1 of those little 2 stroke bottles of oil to a gal. of gas. weed eaters and chain saws takes that kind.

  5. Only in a 2 Stroke engine, not in a 4 Stroke Car, motorcycle, lawnmover etc.

  6. You are talking about a 2 stroke engine, right? First, you go to the auto parts store and buy the right kind of oil, designed for 2 stroke engines, then you follow the directions for mixing the oil and gas. I have a 2 stroke chain saw for cutting my firewood. I have over time bought several various brands of 2 stroke oil and the instructions have been different, ranging from 5 to 1 through   20 to 1, gasoline to oil ratio. Some engines have a separate metering pump and 2 tanks, one for oil and one for gas. The metering pump has an adjustment for the gas to oil ration. Either mix according to label ratio or adjust the metering pump to the label ratio. To mix, all you need is a gas can for the purpose and a measuring device and then you shake the can to mix it and pour the mixture into the tank for the engine, which is exactly what I do with my chain saw.

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