
Do u have yellow teeth or white teeth?

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Do u have yellow teeth or white teeth?




  1. yea its a is sooo hard to keep them white like actors do or like they show in the toothpaste commercials...i mean, even after my dentists completely cleans out my mouth, they're still not even completely white

  2. in the middle

    whitish yellowish

  3. white! i use whitening toothpaste and whitening strips. Orbit White gum helps too!

  4. white i bleach.

  5. well if I chew gum, sugary gum then they are yellow and I have to brush my teeth immediately but after I brush my teeth they are squeaky clean.


  6. Sorta yellow.  Just got some of those plastic tray things to put the gunk in to bleach them.  Don't have those Hollywood Whites!!  

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