
Do u have your mums or dads eyes?

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Do u have your mums or dads eyes?




  1. Dad's :-)

  2. Hi I have my mums eyes, they are big and brown lol, I am currently expecting my first child and even thought I dont mind what colour eyes he has I would totally prefer if he had my hubby's eye which are really really light blue nothing like you have seen before which I totally love, but oviously I will love my baby boy no matter what.

  3. I have my mums colour but my dads shape.

  4. Both actually

    Its obvious in my eyes that i am part Asian because it slants out a bit however the size of my eyes show that i also have another half which is Australian.

  5. both It's hard to tell seeing as they both have similar colour eyes...

    (very dark brown)

  6. I have my Dads big blue eyes and i think my 4 month old sons eyes will be the same!

  7. I have my mum's eyes.

  8. i have brown like my dad...but the shape is like my mums..she has blue brother has green eyes and same shape as my dads and my younger brother has brown and big like my mums as well!!

  9. Grandmother's, mum's side

  10. my dads, both my parents have blue eyes but my dads are a more vibrant blue, i got his.

  11. My dads, but my younger son has my moms

  12. I Definately have my mums brilliant blue eyes.....

    But funny.....I have blue, Hubby had dark brown and yet our daughter has green!! Try to figure that!

  13. my mums.

  14. Dads

  15. Dad's apparently, never met him so don't know for myself, although Mum and I look alike in features and get asked if we're sisters all the time, once was even asked if we were twins, like huh? lol

  16. I have my dad's eyez...

  17. neither i have my own!

  18. My moms eyes, actually all my siblings have her eyes, the shape siblings are dark brown and mines are hazel

  19. My dads apparently, but ithink my mums

  20. Neither my mum and dad both have blue eyes and mine are brown

  21. my dads eyes...

    My mum has brown eyes and my dad has green eyes

  22. im alsmost the double of my mum, but i dont really have either of there eyes, which is weird! lol

  23. I have my dads eyes.

  24. i have my mum's eyes. and my daughter has my eyes

  25. I am a girl, and I have my dad's eyes. But, my older brother has my mom's eyes. Other than that, I look EXACTLY like my mom, and my brother looks EXACTLY like my dad!!! Isn't that a lil weird?

  26. i think that i look like my mum but a lot of people say i look like my dad, i am just a mix of the 2!!

  27. I have mums eyes, shes a fish, so their pretty big if you know what I mean lol

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