
Do u know anything about horse race betting on the internet?

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I have a friend who wants to become a professional gambler. He thinks if you find the right mathematical strategy you can make money without risking a lot.

What do u think?




  1. If he thinks he has a formula that can win, then - I guess - he should go for it. But I own 'em and wager on 'em, and I can go up to anyone at the track & each person has the answers before the gate opens up.

    And, if it was mostly math, then don't you think there would have already been low-risk, high-return formulas out there for everyone to use.

  2. He may be able to make money by laying horses on the exchanges,that is backing against a horse on Betfair or such like.

  3. Got to remember theres allegations of match fixing and nobbling always about. Tell him to get on the inside first.

  4. hmmm, no idea although id also like to knw easier, faster ways t make money but not gambling as i could loose all my money eeek, now thats way not a good idea.

  5. it is easy as long as you know the rules

  6. U r in love for him. Dont make your life a risking "game".

    Wagner A.

  7. The onlyway to make real money is to lay horses not back them.

    You need a seperate bank and you must understand what you are doing.

    No certain way of profit.

    Only mathematical way is trading or DUTCHING ON THE EXCHANGES

  8. Too many variables in horse racing. You can make money, but a far as being easy money? I beg to differ.

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