
Do u know how ship sails?

by Guest62613  |  earlier

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How it is going from one place to another and in which wayit will get accidents often?




  1. Modern ships are driven by motors and their propellors. They follow what are called shipping lanes. Shipping lanes are basically just routes over the water from one port to another

    The science of knowing where they are and not bumping into islands is called navigation.

    Ships get into accidents with each other, hit the land (run aground) and get caught by storms sometimes.

  2. A ship sails under the same principle as an airplane flies...  didn't answer your question, eh?

    In order to sail, you must have a curved surface like sails and airplane wings have.  Due to physics as the wind passes across the sail or wing you have a pressure difference.

    On the outside of the sail the wind travels further than the wind on the inside of the sail.  This increase in wind speed on the outside of the sail creates a low pressure.  The wind travelling on the inside of the sail therefore has a higher pressure, which is pushing the sail and boat to the side...

    Now, if the boat did not have a keel you would only go sideways, but with the same dynamics as the sails you get a forward motion through the water...

    There is much danger aboard a sailboat, especially for those who have never been on a sailboat and are not familiar with the deck and equipment.  A 65'(20m) sailboat will have a headsail and sheets (lines) that can be under 5-7 tons of pressure...

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