
Do u know of any great marriages/relationships that last even if their horoscopes say they are incompatible?

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who and what are their signs?




  1. if its love its love and even if some things say you wont suceed always work things out beacuse nothing is im possible except for breathing in space without an air helmet but thats not in earth so back to my piont don't let people tell you what to do just make your own dicisons

  2. I don't know any firsthand, BUT I do know that compatible signs can have horrible relationships.

    My ex was a virgo and I'm a capricorn (that's supposed to be the best match). Didn't work out at all....We stayed friends though, so hmm (I heard virgos and caps are great for friendships)

    Capricorns are supposed to be compatible with Pisces..didn't work out either when I dated one.

    The only person I fell in love with was a cancer.

  3. i know of a horrible marriage with two supposedly compatible signs Capricorn and Virgo.....mine

  4. My husband and I have just had our 40th Wedding Anniversary. He's Aries and I'm Aquarius. I haven't  the faintest idea if we are meant to be compatible, though.

    Tips for a long marriage, 1 Remember that you aren't perfect either. and 2 When he's being a total horses hind end, ignore him.

  5. I know of marriages lasting despite horoscope incompatibility and i know of marriages failing despite horoscope compatibility. The only fact is that if your marriage fails and there is horoscope incompatibility then you have something to blame. Marriages or relationships are made by people and they're solely responsible for them, not the signs under which they're born.

  6. Just don't believe in horoscopes . .

    because it will make you crazy (ahehehe). .

    Believe in your heart, and follow what it is saying . .

    because horoscopes cannot control and predict relationships, they make confusions . .

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