
Do u know......?

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Anything that was wrong or something that Algore didn't show in the movie The Inconvenient truth? i am supposed to write a report on what algore didnt potray or anything that was missing in the movie..




  1. A significant part of the movie was Al Gore portraying what a honest caring person he is.  He then neglects to mention that he flys a private jet everywhere and lives in one of the highest energy consumption residences in the world and claims to be carbon neutral because a company he owns has planted a few trees on his behalf and given him a certificate that says so.  

    He then points to Micheal Mann's hockey stick graph (which has since been discredited) and implies that it's ice core data.  He also says that CO2 has always been associated with temperature increases, but neglects to mention that CO2 lags temperature increases.

    He also feigns outrage because polar bears have been found drowned because of a lack of sea ice for them to rest on, which was a misrepresentation that was not able to be supported in court.

  2. What would have been missing was the TRUTH!

    Also, any true science would have been missing.

    Sorry I can't be of more assistance.

    Although I haven't checked out Eric's links yet I am sure they will be beneficial as he has already shown to me that he doesn't suffer from the 'ignorance trap' that seems so dominant these days.

    Good luck on your report

  3. 1) Sea level rise of up to 20 feet (7 metres) will be caused by melting of either West Antarctica or Greenland in the immediate future.

    2) Low-lying islands in the Pacific Ocean are having to be evacuated because of the effects of global warming.

    3) The Gulf Stream would be shut down by global warming, causing sharp cooling in northwest Europe.

    4) There was an exact fit between graphs showing changes in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and global temperatures over a period of 650,000 years.

    5) The disappearance of snow on Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania was due to global warming.

    6) The shrinkage of Lake Chad in Africa was caused by global warming.

    7) Hurricane Katrina was likewise caused by global warming.

    8) Polar bears were being found drowned after having to swim long distances to find the (melting) ice.

    9) Coral reefs were being bleached by the effects of global warming and other factors.

  4. For the most part all of what he said was based on sound scientific fact.

    the only really controversial point was that he used emotive imagery that wasn't a result of global warming to demonstrate a point.


  6. Look at the green house gas ,and where is it. If we are producing that much where is it. Without the gas there is no GW.

  7. Millions of DEAD Trees in America are doing more harm than good

  8. Hurricane Katrina was "caused" by global warming is SO wrong on so many levels, I can fill this whole page with FACTS disproving that. But considering that your source Gengi is from wikipedia, it just proves how wrong and uneducated you really are.  It just proves my theory...if you read it on the internet, it must be true.

  9. he didnt really talk about the sun.

    the sun also might have a reason for "global warming"

  10. The truth would be a good place to start.
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