
Do u know that olive ridleys are endangered???

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olive ridleys a species of turtle has its nesting in the eastern coasts of south india

and bcoz of plantings some kind of trees on the shore prevents it from nesting




  1. Yes you are right olive ridley are endangered, though they are breeding well in some coastal areas but their use for medicines and food is threat for them.  Some local and international organizations are already working for them but I think it should be everyone’s duty to aware about conservation and importance of species in nature so that their poaching could be curbed to zero.  Thanks for your concern regarding this issue.

  2. well your pointof view is only abt the platation,

    but in india there are alot of people who hunt the olive turtles and consume them they are very costly and the fishermen get alot of profit from them by selling their wings which are used in may soups

    apart frm hunting them down,

    they get accidentally caught up in the fishing net and they die

    its on the part of fishermen whether to save them or not

    one more possibility is that the beaches in hwich the olives lay eggs i mean the nests get disturbed by ppl who spend their time at beaches

    and once they disturb the nests the eggs get xposed and they are either consumed by other beings or they cannot develop

  3. pretty much all the ocean going turtles are in danger if not because of the food or medicinal purposes than the damage to there natural habitat for resorts and homes along the beaches.Also the amount of vehicles 4X4s and quads in some areas are crushing egg nests on beaches same problem the piping plover is having on the East coast when clowns and cowboys are tearing up the beaches in there boy toys

  4. make these  turtles go to another beach, trees are more important

  5. yeah young ones after hatching can be attracted towards coastal slums where there is bright light and die due the vehicles.  there are also some groups searching for its eggs as it has medicinal uses.  

    so we have to protect them it is one of our nations pride to have olive ridleys

    we already have some groups for saving the endangerings

    u are very correct

  6. Well I didnt before

    Thanks for the information!

  7. now i know

  8. yep. olive riddleys brred and lay eggs on the gahirmatha beach on the eastern cosatal stat eof orissa in india.  each year thousands of them are washed off dying on the shore, and the eggs they lay ar eunable to hatch for many reasons:

    1. the planting of certain trees on th ecoast line tat seem poisonous for these turtles.

    2. trawling and fishing activities on the coast that trap the turtles in the net , and mercilessly kill them to get rid of them from their nets.

    3. unwanted lights at the beach tat prevent the turtles from resting on the eggs to provide warmth for proper hatching

    4. the indian nuclear off shore testing range tat is also near the cost , that is a source of pollution endangering th eturtles.

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