
Do u know what rafidaah's (shias') scholars said about authenticity of their collection of hadith Al-Kafi?

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Can u plz provide with the information ?




  1. Wahhabi are jealous of FTL.

  2. Al kafi holds a very high rank in Sha'ism

    But when rafidahh get stuck with the content of Al Kafi ,they get easy exit by denying it

    Any way Here are some of the Shia most reliable Scholars' sayings about Al-Kafi :

    [1] AlHur Al'amily said "The authors of the Four Books of shia (Al-Kafi , AlIstibsaar , AlTahzeeb , Mun La YahDuruHu Alfaqeeh) have testified that the Hadiths of their books are accurate (saheeh) , firm and well conducted from the roots that all shia agreed on , and if you consider those scholars (the authors of the four books) are reliable then you must accept their sayings and their narrations . " [Alwasa'el , volume 20 , page 104]

    [2] Sharaf'Deen AbdulHussain Mosawy said: "Al-Kafi, AlIsTibSaar, AlTahzeeb and Mun La YahduRuHu Alfaqeeh are *MutawaTirah* and agreed on the accuracy of its contents (the Hadiths) , and Al-Kafi is the oldest , greatest , best and the most accurate one of them " . [The book of AlMuraja'aat , Muraj'ah number 110 ] ..... MutawaTirah = accurate 100% because it was narrated by many narrators .

    [3] Muhammad Sadiq AlSaDr said : " Although The Shia are on the unanimity of that The four books (Al-Kafi , AlIsTibSaar , AlTahzeeb and Mun La YahduRuHu Alfaqeeh) are accepted and *all* the narrations in them are accurate ( Saheeh ), But they did not call them by the name (Sihaah ) like AhlSunnah did." [The Book of shia "Kitab alshia" page 127 ]

    [4] AlTabRassy said: "Al-Kafi among the four shia books (AlTahzeeb , Al-Kafi , AlIsTibSar , mun la YahDuruhu Alfaqeeh) is like the sun among the stars , and who looked fairly would not need to notice the position of the men in the chain of hadiths in this Book , and if you looked fairly you would feel satisfied and sure that the hadiths are firm and accurate." [MusTaDrak AlWasa'el, volume 3 , page 532]

    [5] AlKhomeini said: "Do you think it is enough for our religious life to have its laws summed up in Al-Kafi and then placed upon a shelf?" [Al-Hukumah Al-Islamiyyah page 72]

    @FTL ! did your scholars have distinguish false from true of this book

    @ Ali M,you want me to post your Al -kafi's quote here

    FTL ,has removed his stupid Answer

  3. They said that more than 50% of it is fabricated Hadith; yet it is the most authentic they have!

  4. ... Nobody is able to distinguish

    between one and the other tradition received from the Imams (A) except

    with the guidance of an Imam (or the rule laid down by an Imam). There are

    three ways to do this (1) Compare a tradition with the Quran. if it is

    contrary to the Quran, reject it. (2) A tradition that is reported on the

    basis of a popular belief, do away with it. (3) A tradition that is

    generally accepted, select it, for unanimity is undisputable. Aecording to

    this rule, only a few traditions ean be specified (as authentie). In the

    matter of traditions that are conilieting, the easiest way is suggested by

    the Imam (A), i.e. any one of the two you are free to choose.

  5. Scholars? the fooking 12th g*y zombie himself said: "Al Kafi is Kafi (more than enough) for my Shia'a"

    He told that to the other g*y Al Kuleini the author of the book! Al Kafi for Shia'a is better than Quraan! since Al Quraan has been modified according to their Kuffur beliefs while Al Kafi has not!

  6. lol, u know much dirt and BS is in wahabi hadiths? please buddy, i know u guys are addicted to spread fitna and arguements with Muslims and all, but Ramathan is here in just a few more days, go back to sleep and have some more wet dreams about ur lover Yazid

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