
Do u know what were the wrong beliefs of the people of Quraish ,due to which the prophet (saw)came-----?

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Did they deny the existence of Allah (saw) ?




  1. It's not that they denied the existence of Allah.

    The fact is that they believed in Allah and they believed in their idols as well. They used to consider the idols a way of getting to Allah. Like the shia'as call it "Tawassul". Pray to the idols like Lat, Manat, Hubal and Uzza (these idols were those of dead people whom they revered. See, making pictures or idols of living beings always leads to shirk. Same old tale. Make pics. of Ali R.A after his death).

    Pray to the idols (or Ali R.A. in these days) and they will convey the prayer to Allah. Like a telephone line. We don't have His telephone number, and they do. He won't see us praying, 'cause He's blind.So they must convey our message. ASTAGHFIRULLAH!

    Deep in their hearts, they knew this v. well that only Allah is the Lord. Not their idols. When Makkah was going to be attacked by Ibrahah before the birth of Muhammad (P.B.U.H), the leaders of the Quraysh, including Muhammad (P.B.U.H)'s grandad Abdul Muttalib prayed to Allah.

    (Don't remember the exact words, but they were like)"O Allah! protect ur house, since everybody protects his own house."

    At that time, they totally forgot their idols.

    When Akramah bin Abu Jahl fled from Makkah after it's conquer at the hands of the Muslims in a boat with his companions, the boat was about to capsize in a storm. The passengers began praying to Allah, alone, without the idols. (Again, I don't remember the exact words of the prayer). However, Akramah got a nice jerk into reality. He realized that the if people like to pray to only One God in distress, then that must be the only true God. Went back to Makkah and became a Muslim.

    At that difficult time, each of them prayed to the One and Only Allah. In times of ease, they liked being stubborn.


  2. worshipped idols as their gods??? ceramic and wooden statues.. they used to give food and money to them and they were placed in the kabbah. and mocked muhammed SAWwhen he told them their is only one god and he is outside his creation is not ceramic or wood, cant be destroyed.. has no begining and no end, no partners and no children. they thought he was mad.

    the arabs used to bury baby girls alive, women had no rights at all.

    most of teh quraish converted some in secret. but they killed alot of muslims before they did.

    the revelation of the quran gave people rights. freed the black slaves and women were treated with respect. inheritance rights, rights in marriage, rights to property, rights to keep their own money, rights to be looked after and provided for.  this happened when Christians were still debating wheather a women even had a soul !!!

    the prophet took back the kabbah which was built by ibrahim (PBUH) and destroyed all the idols. made mecca a place of worship to the almighty.

    the quraish used to be dishonet and only after money.

    muhammed brought the message to people to give to the poor, zakat be charitable and money is something of this dounia you cant use it after death to buy your way into haven.

  3. yes they used to worship idols,

    bury baby girls alife cause they considered it a shame to  have a girl,

    they used Reba and gambling games.....etc

  4. Worshipping Idols.

    And take care of your mistake, in your second sentence.

    SubhanaWaTa'ala. SWT


  5. Mushrikeen Makkah ,Made idols ,Which they belived were their intercessors  to reach God .

    you know Abu Jahal used to do tawaf and recite the the talbih which we recite ,but he used to Add few more things in it ,which were shirk.

    They assumed Allah (swt ) As the King of this word.And thought we can not reach the king unless we make these idols happy .

    But they did not know that Allah is the king who is close to our Jagular vein,and listens Every one calling Him ,directly .

    His sense of hearing is no way comparable to Him .

  6. The mushrikeen of Makkah and Arabia did:

    1-  Believe in ONE God (Allah).

    2-  They did observe ALL the religious rites e.g. Salat, Zakat, Fasting, & Hajj.

    3-  They NEVER EVER worshiped the STATUES.


    The fact that they did observe all the rites "salat", "Zakat", Fasting and Hajj (as given in the Quran), obviously makes them a believer in God (Allah).

    They Never worshiped the STATUES:

    The word in Arabic for "Statues" is "Asnam". And this word has been used in the Quran in 8 verses.e.g.

    1-  The statues worshiped by Ibrahim's nation.

    2-  The statue of the calf that was made by Bani Israel.

    3-  The statue of Baal.

    etc. etc.

    However, this specific word "Asnam" has NEVER EVER been used for the Mushrekeen of Mecca or Arabia. Therefore I would conclude that they never worshiped statues. This is a MISCONCEPTION spread by the scholars.

    The Mushrikeen of Mecca instead, idolized saints as INTERCESSORS to Allah. They used to include glorification to these saints (idols) as in Ref. 39:3


    Absolutely, the religion shall be devoted to GOD alone. Those who set up idols beside Him say, "We idolize them only to bring us closer to GOD; for they are in a better position!" GOD will judge them regarding their disputes. GOD does not guide such liars, disbelievers.

    This is a form of Idol worhsip. It is NOT STATUE worship.

    Idol worship is a VERY broad term. And Statue worshiping is JUST ONE form of Idol worshiping.

    The Mushriks of Mecca and Arabia had DISTORTED the teachings of Ibrahim and Ismael. And they had distorted EVERY religious duty. Besides they had committed more serious crimes through these distortions:

    1-  Corrupted the Salat, to include the praise of their idols e.g. Al-Laat, Munaat, and Uza.

    2-  Altered the Sacred months for Hajj. And used to fight in the real sacred months.

    3-  Tried to alter the counts of months.

    4-  Used to have sexual activity with their wives, during the nights of fasting (ref. 2:186, 187).

    5-  Altered the principles of Zakat.

    These were the major problems that were corrected by prophet Mohammad and purified.  

  7. they claimed that by worshiping the 360 idols surrounding the Ka'baa they will be closer to Allah (swt), that was their common belief,,

  8. im not sure that any of the pagans actually were deniers of Allah, its just that they were so absorbed in worshipping all of their other idols as partners to Allah that they had long forgotten what they were supposed to be following.

  9. distorted scripture, they became polytheists from monotheist.

    they knew salat,but it was full of deceit ,they knew who built Kaaba,but they worshiped laat,manaat,uzat,along with Allah Allmighty .

    the problem was,they were practicing what their parents taught them to do,disregarding the practices taught by parents and clergyman is very hard but not impossible, and strong "religious" belief,like worshiping the idols at that time.,is pretty hard to shun  .

    just like nowadays,majority is following,and upholding hadith books over Glorious Quran,they have made scholars,and hadith narrators their idols,but they cant see !!

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