
Do u know when....?

by Guest10955  |  earlier

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does anyone know when the 4th season of ghost hunters comes on? i know it's probabley in 2008 but what month mayb what day? thanx 4 answering!!!




  1. I'm not sure when Ghost Hunters comes back on, but Gost Hunters International Starts in January of 08'. You can keep an eye on their website though. They usually tell on their forum as soon as they know anything. The website is http://www.the-atlantic-paranormal-socie...

  2. There is a spin off starting around the first of the year, ghost hunters in Europe.


  3. I have no idea. I  do not get cable or satellite television and only get one channel. Usually the new seasons start around Feb or March.  I am wondering if this show is as real as it is supposed to be or if it will be effected by the writers strike.


  4. yes,

         it comes on Wednesday January 9, 2008 ,they are having an all day Marathon starting at 10:00am ,leading up to the new episodes at i think 9:00pm , they are going to show new episodes of ghost hunters international. I'm not sure when the original ghost hunters back though it might be the same day , but i think it starts on a different day, but if i find out i will let you know!

       I'm so exited ,i cant wait!

  5. Can't wait to see more non-proofs?  Here's the link:

  6. they do two different seasons a year. a spring season and a fall season. so I dont knowabout the number, but look for it next march or april

  7. I don't know when it will be. I haven't watched Ghost Hunters before. I suggest searching the net for Ghost Hunters and maybe it will say when the new season will be starting.
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