
Do u know where this name comes from?

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My dad named me dado after his best friend. Dado was his nickname it was short for something.Every time i ask him what it means or where he got it from he would come up with a smart asss answer.(im starting to think he lost a bet)I goggled it and couldn't find what it means or a longer version of it. I just fond other people with it there was Dado Dolabella a hispanic actor and Dado Prso a croatian soccer player does any1 know what it means or the longer version of it ?




  1. Dado is usually used as a nickname/short version of the Slavic DALIBOR. It's usage is Czech, Croatian, Serbian, Slovak

    It is derived from the Slavic elements 'dal' which means "far away" and 'boriti' which means "to fight".

    Dalibor is pronounced DAH-lee-bohr

    bor as in bora bora ;)

    Edit: Sometimes, but as far as I know uncommonly, Danijel (Daniel) can become Dado...

    EDIT: Oh, yes, if your family is Bosnian then I'm almost positive you'd be Dalibor in the longer version :D My uncle is

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