
Do u know which of the 12 tribes of Israel do u belong to??

by  |  earlier

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that would be interesting :D tell me more..




  1. NONE...

  2. Judah--I can trace my lineage back to King David via Abravanel.

  3. nope, i would like to know though, i wonder how i could find out.......................

  4. 10 were lost, so its hard to tell. today there are three different ones that ppl know they are from. you are either a kohen, one of the priestly tribes, a levite, or whats called a yisroel-israelite, these ppl do not know for sure. i myself am a levite, both my parents are. my husband is a yisroel and therefore my children will be as well-tribe goes by the father while religion goes by the mother

  5. noooo clue.............................

  6. Hoping you do want the facts, the division is explained in the The division of the land

    The tribes were assigned territories following the conquests of land under Moses and Joshua. Moses assigned territories to Reuben, Gad and a portion of Manasseh on land east of the Jordan which they had requested (Numbers 32:5). Joshua assigned territories to Judah, Ephraim and the rest of Manasseh on land west of the Jordan which they had conquered. The tribe of Manasseh thus came to be divided into two parts by the Jordan each part referred to as a half-tribe (chatzi-shevet) of Manasseh, the part lying east of the Jordan being referred to as the half-tribe of Manasseh in Gilead. Following the conquest of the remainder of Canaan, Joshua assigned territories to Asher, Benjamin, Dan, Issacher, Naphtali, Simeon and Zebulun. The land of Judah was considered too large for that tribe alone and Simeon was assigned a portion within the land of Judah instead of its own territory in the newly conquered land. Because the Levites, and kohanim (descendants of Aaron) priests played a special religious role of service at the Tabernacle to the people they were not given their own territories, but were instead assigned cities to live in within the other territories. Dan was assigned territory lying between Ephraim and Manasseh but was later displaced and subsequently settled in territory to the north of Naphtali.

    The Kingdom of Judah consisted of Judah, Simeon, Benjamin, and the parts of Levi within those lands, while the Kingdom of Israel contained Reuben, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Manasseh, Ephraim, and the remainder of Levi.

    this is a map - the southern part is missing

  7. My father is Yisroel, my mother is Cohen. I am Yisroel, as it is inherited from your father. The Yisroel tribe is from all of the Jews that weren't descendants of the Cohen (high priests) and Levi (other priests). So, I don't know what tribe exactly, but I am Yisroel.

  8. The Aryan Tribe

    Im an ashekNAZI...

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